Duo show, Two Birds, One Stone, with Chris Lloyd at Gern en Regalia in New York, New York. 
November 28, 2020 – January 15, 2021

Full documentation here.

Puppy Love. Stickers and Ink on paper. 12 × 16 in, 2020.

Falling with Love (Reverse Side), Graphite and watercolor on paper, 9 × 12 in, 2020.

Green Eyed Monster / Kissed by Poison Fire, Graphite and watercolor on paper, 9 × 12 in, 2020.

To My Tired Heart / A Loving Resurrection, Graphite and watercolor on paper, 9 × 12 in, 2020.

Sara Yukiko Mon, One-Trick Pony, Graphite and ink on paper, 9 × 12 in, 2020. 

Thank You For Letting Me Be Myself, Plush, 27 × 27 in, 2020.

Dreaming in a Hemlock Patch, Prints and trinkets, 12 × 16 in, 2020.

Sara Yukiko Mon, Stardust Melody, Ink on paper in acrylic frame, 3 × 3 in, 2020.

Puppet Show, Plush, 9 × 11 in, 2020.

Sara Yukiko Mon, Close to You, Video, 2020.